We need you – please come help with the CARL 2022 Conference

We are looking for volunteers for the following: 

  • Sponsorship Assistant: This person will assist the Sponsorship Coordinator both before the conference, and on location at the conference. This person should have excellent attention to detail and record-keeping abilities; and have strong collaboration and communication skills. This person will work closely with vendors during the Vendor Fair at the opening reception and coordinate the setup. Experience with vendors or fundraising is a plus!  
  • Program Session Review Teams: These teams will review the proposals submitted for a session type and make recommendations to the planning committee. The typical time commitment is around a month and includes reading and reviewing, discussing recommendations, and sending the recommendations to the Program Review Coordinator. Work for these teams will take place in Fall 2021. 
    • Pre-conference Sessions Team 
    • Research into Practice Sessions Team  
    • Engaging in Practice Sessions Team 
    • Panel Presentations Team  
    • Poster Sessions Team 
    • Round Table Discussions Team 
  • Local Arrangements: This team is responsible for assisting with on-site volunteer coordination, identifying local amenities and transportation options. Work for this team will take place primarily in the weeks leading up to the conference and during the conference (late-March, early-April, 2022).   
  • Registration Assistance: The CARL Membership Coordinator will need 2-3 assistants to help staff the registration table during the conference. Work for these assistants would take place during the entirety of the conference, with the majority of the time at the table during the reception (evening of April 1) and the first morning of the conference (April 2). 
  • Proceedings Team: This team is responsible for collecting, reviewing, and posting the proceedings after the conference. Work for this team will take place following the conference in late spring-early summer, 2022. 

If you are interested in volunteering, please complete this form

One Thought on “Call for Volunteers!”

  • I am responding to a call for Volunteers and am available for any assignment except local arrangements, I live in southern California.

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